Monday 14 July 2014

Week 4 - Village Visit

This week we arrived back from the bible college and did some maintenance around the base, as well as going to the hospital to pray and talk with people and kids ministry once again. It has been so great to interact with the Kids each week and build relationship with them.

During our hospital visit Cole talked with a young boy who had tonsillitis and after praying for him the boy said that the pain had gone and he was able to swallow without feeling pain!

Over the weekend we traveled two hours away to a small village to do some ministry with a local pastor and his family. The weekend consisted of a prayer walk in the village where we walked to a Tibetan monastery to pray and intercede for that place. Once we were finished there we again walked up the hill to find a quaint little church sitting there. We prayed for the people of the church and its leaders. We also did house visits to pray for families and share with them more about Gods justice and how He sent Jesus as our redeemer. On the Sunday we also helped run a church service in a small room. Again Cole spoke on our identity in Christ. The weekend was so good to build relationship with the community and encourage surrounding Christians. 

we are now just over halfway into our outreach phase and have been having such a great time, we will be heading to south India in a week and look forward to the plans that God has for us. Please continue to pray for us as we continue on our adventure!


1 comment:

  1. Wow!! You are doing so much. Praise God for His enabling and opening of doors.
